2024 - 2025 Youth Ministry Registration Form 青年事工註冊表

Youth Ministry of Chinese Evangelical Free Church 羅省華人播道會青少年部

Please fill out the form in English. 請用英語填寫表格.

If you have multiple children, you will have to fill out one form per youth. We are very sorry about this inconvenience! 如果您有多個青少年,則必須為每個青少年填寫一張表格。 對於由此帶來的不便,我們深表歉意.

If you have any questions, please contact youth@cefcla.org!
如有任何疑問,請聯繫 youth@cefcla.org

CEFC Youth Ministry
IMPORTANT: Please read the following before filling the form

1) You must be the legal guardian to register your youth. By submitting this form, you certify that you are the legal guardian of the youth you are registering and that the information you provided is true.  

2) If you are registering more than one youth, please submit a separate registration for each child.

重要: 請在填寫表格前,請閱讀以下事項:

1) 你必需是報名青少年的合法監護人。當遞交此表格時,這代表你是青少年的合法監護人和以下一切資料實屬真實。

2)  如你有兩個或以上青少年參加,請個別填寫表格
Youth's Information 青少年資料

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Primary Contact 主要聯絡人

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
2nd Contact 第二聯絡人

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact (other than parents) 緊急聯繫人 (不可放父母)

Permission to Participate and Receive Emergency Medical Treatment 允准參加及接受緊急醫藥治療

I give permission for the above mentioned youth to participate in the activities, programs, and trips (“Activities”) sponsored by CHINESE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF LOS ANGELES (“CEFC”). In case of a medical emergency during such Activities, I authorize CEFC staff, agents, and/or volunteers to request for or to deliver my youth to emergency medical services.  In a medical emergency, these persons may also perform first aid or life saving techniques (including but not limited to CPR) that can reasonably be performed by persons who are not medical professionals. In a medical emergency, I give consent for my youth to receive professional medical treatment reasonably necessary for my youth’s health, and I authorize CEFC staff, agents, and/or volunteers to consent on my behalf to emergency medical treatment for my youth. Treatment may include, but is not limited to, anesthesia, x ray, or medical procedures as advised by a physician. I accept all financial responsibilities concerning any medical treatment in such circumstances. In the case of a non-emergency illness, non-emergency injury, or disciplinary situation, I also accept responsibility to have my youth picked up promptly after being notified of such. This consent is effective for the period of one (1) year from the signing date.
青少年送往緊急醫療服務。在緊急醫療情況下,這些人還可以進行急救或救生技術(包括但不限於心肺復甦術),這些技術可以由非醫療專業人員合理地執行。在緊急醫療情況下,我同意我的青少年接受對其健康作合理而必要的專業醫療,並且我授權給播道會的職員、代理人和/或義工代表,為我的青少年進行緊急醫療。治療可能包括但不限於麻醉、X 光檢查或醫生建議的醫療程序。在這種情況下,我承擔有關任何醫療所需的財務責任。而若出現非緊急病況、非緊急受傷,或紀律處分的需要,在接到通知後,我也會承擔責任立即接回我的青少年。本同意書自簽署之日起一 年內有效。
Release of Liability 放棄追究責任聲明

I acknowledge that my youth’s participation in these Activities carries certain risks of accidents or illness. I expressly assume the risks to my youth for my youth to participate in these Activities, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. In exchange for my youth’s participation in these Activities, I hereby release CEFC, its staff, agents, and/or volunteers from any liability or claims of liability arising from any injury or illness incurred by my youth resulting from my youth’s participation in these Activities. This release covers all incidents occurring within the period of one (1) year from the signing date.
Permission to Use Photos and Video 允准使用肖像照片和視頻

I give permission for CEFC, its staff, agents, and/or volunteers to use photos and/or video of my youth in church publications such as newsletters, church website, or other related areas (including, but not limited to, social media). I may revoke this permission in writing at any time by sending such writing to CEFC at 1111 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park, CA 91754 by certified mail. Until I have revoked permission in writing, my permission for said use shall remain effective.
青少年的照片和/或視頻。我可以隨時以郵件書面形式撤銷此許可,地址為 1111 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park, CA 91754。直至播道會收到我的書面撤銷許可之前,我對這項允准仍然有效。
Parent/Guardian's Signature 家長/監護人簽名

DISCLAIMER: By entering my full name below, I am electronically signing this document to confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this parental consent form. This electronic signature holds the same legal weight as my handwritten signature on this document.


Youth Ministry of Chinese Evangelical Free Church 羅省華人播道會青少年部

Please fill out the form in English. 請用英語填寫表格.

If you have multiple children, you will have to fill out one form per youth. We are very sorry about this inconvenience! 如果您有多個青少年,則必須為每個青少年填寫一張表格。 對於由此帶來的不便,我們深表歉意.

If you have any questions, please contact youth@cefcla.org!
如有任何疑問,請聯繫 youth@cefcla.org

CEFC Youth Ministry